The Leido
The Challenge.
User Experience
User Interface
Web/Mobile Design
Usability Testing
Design Research
User Experience 〰️ User Interface 〰️ Web/Mobile Design 〰️ Usability Testing 〰️ Design Research 〰️
Information Overload!
In the dynamic landscape of a 200-employee organization, dispersed across the country, spanning various time zones, and with many employees embedded within client companies as contractors, effective communication of crucial information becomes a formidable challenge. The current scenario leads to frequent communication breakdowns, misinformation, confusion, and the inadvertent duplication of efforts for those originally disseminating the information.
In the current communication structure, information flows from leadership down to directors, managers, and employees, creating a complex web across the organization. Despite earnest efforts, communication takes various forms, including emails, Teams messages, PDFs, face-to-face and digital meetings, recordings, and more. The lack of consistency in communication channels results in redundancy, making it challenging to track and manage information. Furthermore, this diversity in communication methods has led to imaginative handouts and collateral that lack brand cohesion and approval, adding another layer of complexity to the information-sharing process.
The Solution.
In addressing the intricate communication challenges of our company, our dedicated team embarked on a journey of ideation, exploring solutions ranging from the simple to the complex. Eventually, we zeroed in on the implementation of an internal intranet, aptly named 'The Leido,' recognizing the need to streamline communication channels. However, the existing process was manual, time-consuming, and limited content sharing to a monthly PDF emailed to employees.
Creating a scalable content collection process allows us to scale and accept any type of wanted information to share.
To revolutionize our internal communication, we leveraged Webflow, an online visual editor platform, enabling rapid ideation and the creation of a minimal viable product with essential features. As an internal initiative, we prioritized design and engaged team members for feedback before commencing development. Simultaneously, we optimized the content approval process with leadership, ensuring seamless integration into our improved digital solution. The result? A streamlined launch! We introduced a content submission form, granting every employee a voice and a dedicated platform to be heard.
Responsive design allows employees to access the Leido from any device.
The Results.
While The Leido is in the early stages of its revamped existence, the reception has been overwhelmingly positive. Those familiar with the previous content-sharing process appreciate the streamlined, consistent, method we've implemented. The new platform has empowered team members to share their stories and ideas more seamlessly. Notably, we now have the capability to track the content that resonates with employees, providing valuable insights. This functionality allows our team and leadership to reassess and prioritize information based on employee interests and engagement.
Looking ahead, our vision is to expand The Leido further, driven by ongoing feedback, feature requests, and a commitment to engaging employees who may have felt disconnected in the past. The results thus far are promising, setting the stage for continued enhancement and a more connected and informed organizational culture.